Katerina & Michael Scottish

We met Katerina in October 2016 when she sent us a request for a wedding on the Internet.

Scottish wedding in Turkey Antalya Letters from Katerina with a detailed description of all the details of the wedding were pouring on me with torrential rain. :))) From such a continuous correspondence, the folder started became heavier and heavier :)) With dear Katerina and Michael, we met on July 6, 2017, at the hotel in order to start preparing documents for their marriage. Katerina was full of energy, she really wanted everything to go well, so she checked several times all the details in preparation: the location of tables, the width of the dance floor, the seating of guests at the table.

On July 7, 2017, we with our team went to the hotel and carefully prepared the wedding hall, where the dinner will take place and the place of the Wedding Ceremony
Everything was ready and our dear fiancé Michael was quite calmly waiting for his beautiful bride at the altar. At this time, Katerina was very excited, but at the same time keeping everything under control. Surrounded by friends, along with the path, sprinkled with rose petals, our bride walked to the altar.Scottish wedding organization AntalyaIn the evening, when she entered the restaurant where the wedding banquet would be held, Katerina was amazed

at the beauty that we had prepared for her. She relaxed and realized that there was no need to worry, her expectations were justified. Thanking us with all her heart, Katerina continued to enjoy her wedding.

The newlyweds performed a magnificent dance, which they especially learned beforehand. Ekaterina is Russian by original but has English citizenship. Her mother performed an incendiary Russian Dance, everyone applauded her standing.

Michael is from Scotland

best Scottish wedding in antalya

and all the men from his family came to the wedding in national Scottish costumes. Their ladies looked also amazing. All together guests from Scotland created an inimitable picture at this wedding. I'm sure that this was also planned by Katerina.
When the groom's relatives started to dance the national dances, we felt as if a dance scene from a Scottish film had appeared in front of us. Everything went amazing, as Katerina planned. We all felt her joy and happiness about what was happening and also rejoiced with her whole heart. Dear Katerina and Michael, it will be impossible to forget you and your beautiful wedding! We are very happy to have met you. We wish you a long happy family life !! We hope you will not forget us too.

General Manager
Gülseren Özdemir

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