Some Information You Need to Know in Official Wedding Ceremonies

Can Prepare Interesting Themed Official Wedding Ceremony

Who Can Be a Wedding Witness? Who Can't Be?

Wedding witness is one of the most curious issues in official proceedings related to marriage. We have prepared an article that will satisfy the curiosity of the couples in many subjects

such as what is required to be a wedding witness, who cannot be a witness, how many witnesses are required in the process,what the witnesses will wear! Read on to find the answers to your questions.

Is a Witness Required in an Civil Marriage?

In order for the couples to be civil marriage, at least 2 people must witness officially. The couples sit at the wedding table with the witnesses and their special day is done.

What Does a Wedding Witness Do?
The witness is obliged to attend the ceremony and testify that the person he witnessed has freely made his wish to marry, that his identity is correct, and that the marriage has been made.
During the marriage ceremony, after the spouses express that they accept each other as spouses, it is the witnesses' turn. "The couples accepted each other as spouses, are you also witnessing?" They must answer the question of registrar and sign the wedding book.DSC03717

Who Can Be an Official Wedding Witness?
Let's come to the answer to the question of who can witness it. According to the Turkish Civil Code, we can list the conditions of witnessing in official marriages as follows:

  • The person is over 18 years old,
  • Being mentally balanced,
  • He / she should know the person to marry whom he is witnessing.

If you want to have a fun or symbolic marriage ceremony, you can also consider a theatrical marriage ceremony.

Can the Wedding Witness be a Foreign National?
There is no requirement to be a citizen of the Republic of Turkey among the conditions for a marriage witness. People who have a residence permit, have a temporary identity document, or have come to Turkey for touristic purposes and have a passport can also be witnesses.

Well, if you ask how foreigners can get married in Turkey, it is useful to take a look at our article: Foreigners Marrying in Turkey

Will there be a marriage witness from siblings?
The question of whether there will be a marriage witness of the same surname, especially siblings, is among the most curious about the subject. Having the same surname is not an obstacle to witnessing. The brothers of the bride and groom can testify.

Who Cannot Become an Official Marriage Witness?
We touched on the conditions of witnessing. So who cannot be a wedding witness? Let's say it right away: It is not possible for individuals under the age of 18 and people who are mentally unstable to witness. In addition, let's add that individuals who do not know the person they witness can not witness either.
One point we should mention is that some municipalities do not accept the marriage witnesses of parents. In many municipalities, two more witnesses are required if the parents are the witnesses. However, it is possible for all relatives, except parents, to be witnesses of marriage.

How Many Witnesses Will Have an Civil Marriage?
Let's also say that the number of witnesses for the official marriage can be at least 2 and at most 4. However, this number may exceed 4 in some municipalities. For this reason, we recommend that you get information from the marriage office where you will apply before the wedding, so that you do not have a surprise on the wedding day.
You can get the necessary documents for your official marriage application to the marriage offices and consultancy from our company, which is an international wedding planner in Antalya.

When is the Wedding Witness Notified?
Witnesses must show their identity cards to the officer in charge before the marriage ceremony and provide their T.C identification numbers and addresses.
If you want to know what you need to do after the wedding, you can get consultancy from our company, which is an international wedding planner in Antalya, in the Official Procedures to be Made After Marriage

What Does a Wedding Witness Wear?
Wedding witnesses are among the most important guests of the couple to marry. It is also a responsibility to show up next to the bride and groom in the ceremony photos. For this reason, it is important to look clean and attentive by choosing an outfit suitable for the wedding venue and concept. It is also useful to be careful not to steal roles from the bride and groom.
Let's start with the women. Women who will witness at a simple marriage ceremony may prefer short and simple evening dresses such as mini and midi sizes.

Long evening dresses enlivened with details such as lace or stones are suitable options for women who will witness in flamboyant venue such as a historical wedding venue or a hotel. Fluffy designs should also be avoided.
In simpler wedding venues such as country or beach weddings, dresses made of thin fabrics that fly will be more accurate. Flower motifs reminiscent of nature, asymmetrical cut evening dresses can be preferred.

Let's talk about the gentlemen… For summer weddings, light colored suits such as cream, blue, green, linen or thin cotton jacket-trousers or shirt-trousers combinations can be preferred. It is appropriate to have the combinations of male wedding witnesses in the winter wedding, in thick fabrics and in dark colors. Items such as woolen jackets and vests, patent leather shoes can be used for winter weddings.
Not only the location or season, but also the body type, concept, degree of closeness to the couple can affect the choice of clothes. So, How to Dress to the Wedding? We recommend that you do research on this subject.IMG_7991

Wedding Witness Quotes For Those Who Seek
“Yes” of the witnesses during the wedding is sufficient. However, witnesses, who are special guests of a wedding, are asked to say a sentence or two during or after the event. In these cases, the people who will witness the wedding may be in a hurry to ask what the witness will say. That's why we wanted to include nice words for the witness. Here are a few examples:

"One of the meaning of life is to love. To be in love is to seek the beauty together. When we find it, to say yes is for us to witness."

"I would be honored to testify on this day, when they leave loneliness behind and walk after the sun of love in their eyes."

"Today is the day of your first family life together! The triumph of love, trust and harmony between you! May it be a happy way for the two of you. Happy home to build together!"

"Marriage will give you the greatest joys of your life. Always love each other and unite in good and bad times. I am honored to witness the first step you take on this path."

We tried to answer all the questions about witnessing in our article, it is very important that the people you love are with you while you get married and share your excitement on this happy day. It is very valuable to share important days in one's life with family and loved ones.

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