Wedding Menu Options for a Perfect Destination Wedding in Antalya Turkey

Wedding Meal Ideas - Wedding Planner in Turkey Antalya

Wedding meals of different cultures

The wedding is the most important holiday all over the world. Wedding traditions in every culture, society and country are very different.

Wedding meal of these cultures are also very different from each other In this article we will tell you about the differences in the wedding meal and the reasons underlying.

Traditional wedding meal of England

When the Royal family announced their preferences for wedding cake, it turned out that the British has nostalgic and traditional taste. While the Prince William chose a chocolate biscuit cake, a favorite since his childhood, Kate Middleton made her choose on a traditional multi-level fruit cake.

In the medieval England the guests came to the wedding brought small cakes to the bride and the groom. These cakes are usually decorated with fruit, symbolizing abundance and fertility. On the top these cakes were decorated with various sweets, called marzipan and “Royal candy”. A sample of the plastic design of the top floor of the cake was kept until the anniversary of the couple, according to American traditions, and according to British traditions - until the christening of the first child of the couple.

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Traditional wedding meal of Turkey

Turkish weddings are very interesting as they are held with a lot of people, music and food. The whole family gathers together to make this moment unforgettable. Traditional Turkish food begins with a snack and as usual it is a special meal Ordov, which is considered as a traditional Turkish meal, followed by a special main meal with meat. During the wedding, the bride and the groom cut a multi-level lush cake treating each other.

Eastern countries celebrate weddings very magnificently and with a budget bigger than in Europe. All night the young couple dancing with invited guests, having the fun until they get tired. If you look at the wedding of the past years, we see that they differed in their venue and their celebration lasted three days. Depending on the area, the weddings served with such kind of dishes as eggplant with stewed meat, rice, dovme , chorba and sometimes lamb kebab. On the Turkish table there is a special place for soups. Wedding soup was also served at various events and its correct name is “Wedding chorba”.

Traditional wedding meal of India

Indian weddings surprise with their variety and splendor of amazing colors, Indian henna, wedding veils, music and food. Wedding celebration is like the marathon as Indian wedding can be celebrated during the week. During the long celebration the guests have the opportunity to taste a variety of Indian wedding meal such as naan, keri and baked potatoes. After the wedding non-vegetarian meals and alcoholic beverages are served. There is no wedding cake at Indian weddings as a rule, but the bride and groom feed each other with the sweet pieces of food such as honey and yogurt.

Traditional wedding meal of Iran

Abgoosht, Iranian kebabs, Hormeh sabzi with rice, Heimeh chicken and rice are five major Iranian meals that need to be served in traditional Iranian weddings. These traditional Iranian meals are some of the most famous Iranian meals that you can find in any restaurant. However, the Persian cuisine is not limited to these meals and there is a huge range for every taste!

If you are going to visit Iran, do not limit yourself to kebabs, and be sure to try these meals. Because in Iranian cuisine there is a wide variety of meals, tastier than each other. You

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should definitely try Iranian cuisine with its spicy meals, Iranian kebabs and drinks. Regardless of whether you are a gourmet or not, however, I am sure that every traveler have tasted Iranian cuisine will like it more than its traditional cuisine.

Traditional wedding meal of Russia

Russia, with its wide geography is the mistress of rich cuisine. At Russian weddings soups, fish and meat meals are served first.

Russian wedding always starts with soup. Russian cuisine has a very rich assortment of soups, both cold and hot. Soups are prepared with a lot of ingredients and are usually very nourishing. Soups are usually followed by meat dishes. Meat dishes are usually prepared from lamb.

Russian loaf is one of the important dishes in preparation for the Russian wedding. This sweet bread is an important symbol at the Russian wedding. Loaf carries the concept of happiness, prosperity, wealth and the creation of a new life at the same time.

Traditional wedding meal of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan with its rich culinary culture in Central Asia has a very diverse cuisine, as well as the multinational country itself. As it is known from history, such traditions as eating horse meat and drinking mare's milk - kumys have been widespread among Turks since ancient times, but later some Turkic communities abolished these dishes from their diet, while among Kazakhs these traditions have been preserved to this day.

In the Kazakh cuisine among the most famous traditional meals a special place is taken by the dish "Beshparmak". Traditionally, this meal is eaten with five fingers of the hand, enjoying boiled thin dough and a lot of meat, hence the name is "five fingers". This meal is served as a main course at all important traditional events including Kazakh weddings.

Traditional wedding meal of Germany

If you get offer to eat hochzeitssuppe at the German wedding – do not give up! The word nochzeitssuppe translates as wedding soup, which is a liquid and light soup consisting of vegetables and small meatballs. Despite the fact that it is a relatively simple soup, its preparation according to the traditional recipe takes 5 hours.

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Traditional wedding meal of Italy

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Italians know a lot about the holidays: traditional wedding receptions can be served with 14 different meals, which include stuffed mushrooms, olives, salami, pickled peppers, squid, Italian ham and other snacks, as well as pasta, salads and soups. There is also a symbolic feature of Italian wedding meal. Guests are served with fried bagels covered with powdered sugar which bring good news as believed by the Italians and called “bow ties”. In some cases guests are presented with gift boxes filled with almond sweets. On belief of the Italians they have bitter and sweet (as well as “good and bad”) sides of life.

Traditional wedding meal of France

It would be wrong to call the French traditional wedding cake as ambitious. It need to remind that the most recognizable form of the country is the Eiffel tower. This cake "Croquembouche" is can not be named as really full cake. Usually it is a cream cake or profiterole, which is covered with caramelized sugar (or sometimes soaked in chocolate) and assembled into a tower shape, tapering to the top. There are almond candies between a cream cake sprinkled with and a cake decorated with flowers or ribbons. Someone said, that this "culinary masterpiece?"Oh, Yes!

Traditional wedding meal of Norway

Norwegian cake “kransekake”, the exact translation of which means “cake in the form of a wreath”, is a traditional wedding cake of Norway, which is also suitable for other celebrations, including christenings, holiday parties and dinners. The kransekake includes almonds, sugar and egg white and the cake is collected in the form of a cone, formed of stepped rings, laid on each other. Ideally, the cake should be soft and easy to chew, but also the strong enough to stand throughout the ceremony. Sometimes in the center there is a bottle of wine: a wise choice of ingredients to create such a form!

Traditional wedding meal of China

Traditional Chinese weddings offer a choice of 12-14 different meals. Wild geese that live in one pair till the end of their life and always migrate together are a symbol of happiness and loyalty in the marriage. Among other significant meals there is a special meal in red color symbolizing good fortune which calls as the Peking Duck. The sea cucumber, shark fin soup, roast pig, sweet red bean soup and sweet rolls are other Chinese wedding meal served at the wedding.

Traditional wedding meal of Brazil

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When it comes to wedding meal of Brazil, it is worth paying attention to their names, which Brazilians give them in a very descriptive manner: for example cookies which are served at the wedding is called Casadinho what means "family". Marmalade slices of cookies, which are shaped like sandwiches, filled with honey, cream or jam. Roll out in the form of circles and fall in the sugar. Cookies with the name "bem Casado" is a symbol of a strong married life and the unity of the bride and groom.

Traditional wedding meal of Morocco

Most weddings in Morocco can last for several days, which means that the wedding will be a multi-meal. The traditional meal Tagine is served in a clay pot at the Moroccan wedding as a traditional family treat. And instead of cake there is a huge basket with fruits. If you become a guest of a Moroccan wedding, you for sure will get a package with different bakery sweet.

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