Individual Wedding Diet for Luxury Brides

Wedding Diet Program for the most Beautiful Brides

Diet for the Upcoming Wedding and Beauty

Tips for achieving your ideal weight before your wedding...

Why is it better to stay away from heavy and unhealthy shock diets?

It may seem very tempting to lose weight in a short time and reach the ideal weight or get into shape on an accelerated diet, but it has a downside. Remember that life goes on after the wedding night!

Excruciating hungry walks for a short time or heavy exercises for momentary weight loss, often such diets are the cause of undermining health or the rapid return of the lost pounds. Here are a few reasons why you should stay away from heavy diets:

You Will Get Back The Weight You Lost In A Short Time

Yes, maybe you can live with watermelon and cheese or cabbage for six weeks, but what after that? There is a very important point that people who advocate such diets miss, it is the fact that heavy diets slow down the metabolism. This means that when you go back to your normal eating habit, you will not only keep your existing weight, but also get a few more pounds in addition!Preparing the bride for the wedding in Antalya

Your Productivity Will Fall

If your body can't get the balanced food it needs, your body's energy will decrease at a very rapid rate. Think about it, whether you need it at such a busy time when you are choosing invitations, wedding dress, accessories, wedding cake, solving problems of pre-wedding preparation, running around the masters, exhaustion – this is the worst thing that can happen to you. If you follow a heavy diet program, be prepared for such difficulties.

Increases Stress

Do you have a ton of work to redo before your wedding, decisions you have to make, worries, a wedding you have to plan? All this fuss is itself a cause of stress, and you do not think that counting calories will make your body and brain even more tired, thereby adding to the stress load on the body?

Food Makes A Person Happy

At your wedding, which you have been preparing for several months and have organized the most tempting wedding menu, do you want to sit and watch others enjoy delicious viands? This is your day and only one night, why don't you leave yourself alone and have fun? In addition, taking care of guests all night and jumping on the dance floor requires a lot of energy. Have fun and leave counting calories, at least for this night.

We offer you to learn the secrets of proper weight loss, which can be started 6 months before the wedding.

Drink More Water

Put diet drinks aside, what your body really needs is the water. Make a habit of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Drink plenty of water every time you want to eat. This will satisfy your body's water needs and clean your kidneys. Keep a bottle of water with you for convenience in everyday life and drink it every time you think about it.

Reduce your Alcohol and Caffeine Intake

Drinking coffee when we are bored or next to dessert has usually become a habit for most of us. But experts recommend that you reduce your coffee consumption as much as possible. Caffeine causes stress, so we recommend drinking herbal tea or water as an alternative. Alcohol is another beverage that should be avoided. One Cup of alcohol contains at least 150 calories, not to mention that it makes your stomach swell and you gain weight. Avoiding alcohol during this 6-month period will save you hundreds of calories.

Bride and groom at a wedding in Antalya

Eat Vegetables And Fruits

If you eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day; you will not have room for foods that gain weight. You are also lucky that in our country there is a wide variety of options for vegetables and fruits. Fill your grocery basket with fruits and vegetables that you like, be sure to bring fruit and not junk food when you leave the house to eat fruits that are part of your diet when you get hungry. Meanwhile, don't forget to also reduce your portions of what you love, so as not to gain too much.

Take Vitamins and get enough Sleep

It is currently difficult to eat in a balanced way, and most of us don't have time for it. Therefore, the advice of specialists is to take vitamins every day. Deficiency of vitamins and iron makes us tired faster and reach for chocolate and similar products. Here is the task of vitamins-to prevent this. In addition, it is very important for your sleep. Sleeping less or more than necessary can also lead to body fatigue or cause stress. 8 hours of sleep a day is enough, if you sleep less or more, then you should change your sleep.


Move more to burn calories. Do not be afraid of physical exertion; it is important to revive the body a little. 10 to 20 minutes a day is enough to get started. Your perseverance is important, and no matter what you do, walk around the grocery store, don't use the Elevator, or fill in the blanks during the day on foot in your neighborhood. Of course, if you can lift a heavier program, great! But try not to overwork, it will only make you tired quickly.

Here Are Alternative Activities You Can Try:

  • Yoga (a practice that appeals to both the body and the soul, every bride should try)
  • Weight exercises (perform under the supervision of a teacher)
  • Dance (1 hour of dancing burns 320 calories)
  • Cycling
  • Swimming (the most beautiful sport, along with there and the most effective for putting the body in order)
  • Tennis (ideal for both fun and pumping the muscles of the arms and legs)

A Special Diet That Is Useful To Follow 1 Week Before The Wedding

1 week before the wedding, you should follow a special diet. Usually, 1 week before the wedding, brides do not pay much attention to what they eat for stress, and this food is not always useful and often contributes to weight gain.

Eat carbohydrate-rich, low-fat foods on your wedding day and 1 week before your wedding. Foods that contain carbohydrates provide us with the energy that our bodies naturally need.

Bride on the beach of Antalya

Foods That Experts Especially Recommend Eating:

Al-Dante pasta, low-fat rice, corn flakes or muesli, fresh vegetables and fruits, milk and yogurt without cream, all these are highly recommended.

Eat lean red meat, chicken, turkey, and fish. Stay away from prepared and unhealthy foods with low nutritional value. They give you temporary energy and then make you tired.

Wedding morning: cornflakes with milk, cheese with whole wheat bread and orange juice next to it.

Midday: you can eat a Turkey sandwich to boost energy. Experts say that Turkey increases courage and reduces stress, this is exactly what you need on your wedding night! 3 things you should definitely avoid on your wedding day: salt, caffeine, and alcohol. Salt inflates you and keeps water in your body, alcohol causes headaches and dizziness, and can also confuse you. Caffeine makes you even more stressed and makes you tired quickly in the evening. Also, go to the wedding as rested as possible, making sure that you slept at least 8 hours last night.

The main thing is not only to be in shape on the wedding night, but also after the wedding, make this recipe a healthy lifestyle. And, of course, relax a little, life is not so long that you should be upset about small things.

There Is A Saying: "Laughter Is The Best Medicine", Laugh…

There should be far more important things on your wedding day than counting calories in your mind, a healthy life and great memories are the most important of them.

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